The second season of PRO11 league has come to an and Perfect Timing are the winners – congratulations guys.


ChrisPST11 from Perfect Timing was the top scorer with 10 goals and also the top playmaker with 7 assists.

RankPlayerClubPositionGoalsAssistsMotMYellow CardsRed CardsHeightWeightAppsWin %Draw RatioLoss Ratio
1rouChrisPST11Perfect TimingForward1074105.9178977.7822.220.00
2porWilson BrandãoThe Hornets FCForward823006'2189 lb4100.000.000.00
3svnChipsa55Visualize iTForward622005'11196742.8628.5728.57
RankPlayerClubPositionGoalsAssistsMotMYellow CardsRed CardsHeightWeightAppsWin %Draw RatioLoss Ratio
1rouChrisPST11Perfect TimingForward1074105.9178977.7822.220.00
3scoBeanyThe Hornets FCMidfielder350005'9176lb757.1414.2928.57

Most clean sheets for goalkeepers got John Mole and Rickeeeeh – both three.

RankPlayerClubPositionClean SheetYellow CardsRed CardsHeightWeightAppsWin %Draw RatioLoss Ratio
1fraBettamaleCSP Shamrock BGoalkeeper4006'4149 lbs1330.777.6961.54
2engJosh MoleThe Hornets FCGoalkeeper3006'7"185lbs757.140.0042.86
3engLH_SmiigsLH AcademyGoalkeeper2006,5"180560.000.0040.00

Most clean sheets for defenders were inconclusive as most captains forget to put them. Defenders (and also goalkeepers) – you gotta keep pressure on your captains if you want to have your stats to be here next season. 😉

And ofcourse the Team of the Season.

PRO11 will be back for FIFA 18 ofcourse, with carefully selected teams.