League starting soon! Read on

All teams, welcome. We have very nearly finished our sign up period, it has taken a little longer than expected due to the Christmas period and teams being away, make sure you finish getting your players registered, ask LH_Fancy if unsure how, otherwise here is the link once again on how to do it; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lHVRc8jth2m8qRaQRgtwAgm9RsAbLEoPrJ5ykZiJomc/edit?usp=drive_web…

FIFA 17 Patch #1

FIFA 17 Patch #1

The first FIFA 17 patch has been enrolled on PC and when you open Origin it will download automatically. It has 700MB. Hey FIFA Fans, The first title update for FIFA 17 is now available on PC. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are due at a later date. For updates on when it’s live for…